我們將這種渴望被愛又害怕得到愛時的矛盾情緒擬人化,變成( 白.白 )這個表情,進而將設計師、創作者、藝術家的一些怪僻和糾結體現,在熱情間充斥著孤僻,卻又害怕沒有人想和自己的心血相遇,深怕自己的努力只是白白地浪費時間。
白.白 is a pent-up emotion in the mind of a designer, inventor, or an artist characterized by their fear and yearning of meeting people in the exhibition. This mingled emotion make their eyes wide open to the point which the eyebrows became two unconnected arches as they expect the audiences to come. Maybe people will come, maybe won’t. 白.白 have they waited, yet no one wants their wait to be 白.白 (all in vain).
We personified the emotion of yearning and fear of being loved as an emoji 白.白
So contradictory is the emotion that it expresses the fact that a designer’s (or an artist’s) life is tangled up and full of quirks while at the same time passionate.
In solitude they live most of the time, for only few can understand them. Nevertheless, they seek not the complete solitude, for deep down inside they are full of passion. Thus, we embodied the fear of having no one meeting their masterpieces as 白.白, as in, waste of time and hard work.
In the face of all the uncertainties in the future, we all want to prove that we didn’t live in vain (白.白) for the past few years.